Advanced Dental Cosmetic Center P.A.
Dr. J Terry Alford and Dr. Avery Greene
"Creating Naturally Beautiful Smiles"

Cosmetic Reshaping and Contouring of Teeth

Cosmetic Contouring of the teeth can add an incredible change to the smile. It can be a subtle change or dramatic change. Either way the results are definitely noticeable.  The technique although seems somewhat simple is actually very complex.  You would think that anyone could get a drimmel tool and smooth off the front teeth. Please don't try it. Its takes a knowledge of Anatomy of the face and SMILE DESIGN to properly contour the teeth. It should be done slowly as well and when performing the procedure the teeth should be viewed from different angles to get the best results.  Here at the Advanced Dental Cosmetic Center we include Cosmetic Re-shaping in our Teeth Whitening procedure.  After we have whitened the teeth we then re-contour which is like putting icing on the cake.  Re-contouring does not require anesthesia and the patient is encouraged to participate in the process.