This case shows Gingival recession with teeth that are over extruded and slightly more protruded than necessary for an excellent cosmetic finish.
The second photo shows the GUM work to cover up the roots and level the tissues for a more cosmetic Smile. The Temporary crowns are cosmetically contoured using SMILE DESIGN RATIOS to the approximate length and position of the Final crowns. The patient is encouraged to participate in the contouring process. In this way they have a SAY in the final look that they want to achieve.
Patient Photos Depicting:
Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.
This patient has severely retruded upper front teeth. Her lateral incisors are protruded as well but not as much as it may seem. The backward retrusion of the upper front teeth make the laterals look more protruded. In this case the patient has excellent Oral hygiene and no other dental problems. Veneers were the cosmetic choice to correct the retrusion.
Patient Photos Depicting:
Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.
This patient has no dental problems at all except that she has always wanted nice white straight teeth. She was placed on the cosmetic imager and underwent home whitening. Once that was complete she had 4 Veneers placed that straightened her teeth and matched her now beautiful white teeth.
Patient Photos Depicting:
Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.